If you are interested in using cloth nappies, we offer a real nappy consultation in Cambridge for £34 for an hour, which includes a free £5 voucher you can spend on buying your own nappies or on our in-house laundry service. We’ll drop by and help you work out which cloth nappies work best for you, show you how to use them and support you with the whole process. You can sign up for our laundry service, buy your own from us, or read further to find out how to do it yourself for free!
For £19.75 a week we deliver a weeks worth of freshly laundered nappies and take away your little one’s dirties. No need to buy your own nappies, you just need covers and fasteners.
If money’s tight we are running our own version of the much-missed council nappy incentive scheme. We will give you a free starter pack on demand - get in touch and tell your friends!
You can also book a Zoom consultation for £10 - ideal if you don’t live in Cambridge
Nappy supplies
We deliver nappy supplies all over Cambridge, whether you are using the laundry service or not. Whatever you need, get in touch and have it dropped off for free on Tuesday night. We have lots of preloved nappies, covers, wraps and boosters too - get in touch and see if we’ve got what you need.
Do it yourself and save
The simplest way to make your own nappies is to do flat nappies. You can buy bamboo or cotton terry online, or cut up some old towels; just cut a 60cm square and hem it securely. See here for folding instructions. Regular muslins make great newborn nappies too - the Nappy Lady shows you how here.
You can buy ready made terries locally from Daily Bread in Cambridge or Mothercare. They usually cost from £1-£4 apiece, or again I can get them for you if you are local. You can fasten them with nappy pins or nappi nippas, which we sell, and cover them with waterproof pants, which you can buy or make.
They will fit babies from newborn (though it must be said most do look like teletubbies in a terry nappy) to potty training. Mine kept going for three kids and still make handy floorcloths.
Prefolds can be made from old T-shirts and hoodies - see this page for some stylin' versions!
You can also make shaped nappies from your terry towelling, old clothes, scraps, and pretty much any fabric that is absorbent, durable, and kind to your baby's skin. We like Ottobre design's handy pattern (though be aware, it comes up very big, and you may need to scale it down for smaller babies). You can use for both nappies and wraps, though wraps should be made slightly larger.
Let us do it
For £13.50 a week, we drop off enough cloth nappies to get you through the week and remove, launder and dry your dirty ones. We provide Canadian cotton prefolds, and you will need to buy your own wraps, nappi nippas and liners. Full training for you and anyone you want to include is part of the service!
Your nappies are washed with home-made laundry soap (grated soap, bicarbonate of soda, washing soda and oxi) and line dried here in Cambridge, making our carbon footprint considerably smaller than your average nappy laundry service.